All membership levels are as per the Resolutes Constitution and By-Laws. Memberships are audited annually, and the system updated by the administrator so that all members are kept up to date with the associated membership level as per the date they joined.
Social Member: This is the basic membership offered by the Club at $20 per year. A member can only be a social member for 3 years before they are required to become a Regular Voting Member. A social member can upgrade to a Regular Voting Membership after one year and if they are a member in good standing. Communication will be sent to all members who have been a social member for 3 years and informed of their change in membership in advance of their renewal.
Associate Member: This membership is $30 per year and has the same privileges as a voting member just without being able to vote! The member will need to be an Associate Member for a period of one-year and be a member in good standing in order to be accepted as a Voting Member the following year.
Regular Member: This is the Resolutes Voting Membership and costs $30 per year. Voting members are given voting privileges at the Quarterly Meetings, can be part of committees, have the ability to put forward ideas and suggestions to the Board for review and receive a free drink for each meeting they attend. The Club can’t survive without their voting membership and it’s imperative that we try to increase the number of voting members so we can always ensure we have a quorum should it be needed for all major decision-making during Quarterly and Special meetings. Voting members also have the right to be nominated for the Board, something which the Social and Associate Members cannot do.
$500 Club: This membership is for long standing members who can pay $500 and will not be required to renew their membership every year. For the remainder of their membership at the Resolutes, they will be treated as a Voting Member.
Lifetime Members: This applies to members over the age of 65 who have been members in good standing for 10 or more years and a voting member. Lifetime members receive their membership for free and have all the same rights as that of a Regular Voting Member.